Monday, 3 March 2014

JYD, KOM, & KOS Online Registration Now Open

Hello avid cycling fans, we are hopeful that spring will be upon us shortly & therefore plans are underway for the 2014 JYD cycling/triathlon season.

Like last year, we have continued with CCN in the online membership and registration process. However, CCN has updated their system and it is different then last year. Please ensure that you follow all direction carefully as it will walk you through signing up for your Portage Junk Yard Dogs membership, programs you wish to add on (including KOM, KOS, Birch Pass) as well as the purchase of your MCA licenses.

CLICK HERE to Register for your 2014 Portage Junk Yard Dogs Membership, Birch Trail Pass and for the Kids of Mud and Kid of Steel Programs

Stay tuned for information regarding our upcoming AGM.

1 comment:

  1. Your website is very beautiful or Articles. I love it thank you for sharing for everyone. Junk Yard
