Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Use of Bicycle Helmets Becomes Law May 1, 2013

> - - -
> New Law, PST Exemption for Helmets 
> Take Effect May 1

> To keep the province's children and youth safe, as of May 1 everyone under the age of 18 will be required to wear a bike helmet when they're cycling, riding as a passenger or being pulled by a bike, Healthy Living, Seniors and Consumer Affairs Minister Jim Rondeau announced today.

> "We want to see Manitoba kids and youth stay active and safe by ensuring they wear a helmet while cycling," said Rondeau. "We also want to help Manitoba families by providing them with the tools they need to understand the importance of wearing a helmet and make it more affordable by making bicycle helmets PST exempt." 

> Budget 2013 made bicycle helmets PST exempt as of May 1 as part of the province's commitment to affordability for Manitoba families.

> First-time offenders not wearing a helmet can have the fine waived if they complete a unique bicycle helmet safety course. The course includes a new bike helmet video and questions related to bike helmet safety. If the course is completed, the ticket will be dismissed.

> Under amendments to the Highway Traffic Act, a ticket can be issued to parents or guardians if they do not ensure their children wear suitable protective helmets, although youth aged 14 to 18 years of age may be ticketed directly. 

> Manitoba has made funding available for active transportation, which helps municipalities implement projects such as bike paths that encourage Manitobans to be healthier and more environmentally conscious, Rondeau said.

> "It's encouraging to see more Manitobans choosing the bicycle as a mode of transportation and recreation," said Local Government Minister Ron Lemieux. "Our government is committed to promoting active transportation as a safe and viable transportation choice and this new law is one way to help cyclists stay safer."

> Every year in Manitoba, about 160 cyclists end up in hospital from cycling-related injuries and several accidents result in serious injury or death. About 40 per cent of cycling injuries happen to children. Wearing a helmet while cycling can reduce the chance of serious head and brain injury by more than 85 per cent in the event of a crash, Lemieux said.

> "While many may believe that wearing a helmet can interfere with enjoying activities, it really doesn't, it only makes it safer," said Craig Baker, executive director of the Sports Medicine and Science Council of Manitoba. "With the province taking this important step, we encourage adults to be important role models by wearing helmets while cycling."

> The new law was developed after consultation with cycling and injury prevention experts as well as law enforcement agencies. A number of other Canadian jurisdictions have implemented bicycle helmet legislation, but Manitoba is the only province to make an education component part of the process to dismiss the ticket for a first offence, Rondeau said.

> The online safety course and video will be available as of May 1 on the Manitoba Injury Prevention website For those without Internet access, the course is available in printed form and can be obtained by calling 1-866-788-3648 (toll-free).

Saturday, 6 April 2013

KOM Program Sees New Coordinator for 2013 Season

The JYD Board would like to extend a HUGE welcome to Adrienne Matthews-McCulley who has taken over the role of KOM Coordinator for the 2013 season.

30 kids have registered to participate this year and the coaches have already met to plan the upcoming season.
Just waiting on the snow to melt...

Thank-you Adrienne!!!!

Manitoba Cycling Association's Insurance Coverage

Please note that the Manitoba Cycling Association's  2013 insurance broker for Cycling Canada/Manitoba Cycling Association is Holman Insurance Brokers Ltd.
Below is information provided by MCA's Executive Director Twila Pitcher
 Although we have changed broker and insurer, the basic approach to, and content of our policy has changed little. Our policy provides CGL and Sport Accident/AD&D coverage (attached) for all sanctioned/approved cycling activity (with a focus on member involvement) as determined by the named insured: Cycling Canada (CCA), Provincial Associations (MCA), Affiliated Clubs, Affiliated Trade Teams.
 Holman Insurance is in the process of completing a member-friendly website that I will share as soon as it is complete.  The intent of the website is to provide a general outline explaining the intent of coverage, limits, endorsements and exclusions, and answer frequently asked questions.  Any specific inquiries will be directed to the broker for clarification and/or explanation.
 In Summary, members have the following coverage (CGL and AD&D) as part of their annual license/membership:
 1)Commercial General Liability Coverage:
-        Worldwide liability member coverage for sanctioned/approved cycling activity.
-        Liability coverage provided for named insured entities on our policy: Cycling Canada, Provincial Association, Affiliated Clubs. (No direct premium involved)
-        Participant-to-participant liability coverage.
-        $5,000,000 coverage limit per occurrence. No aggregate limit.
  2)Sport Accident Coverage (AD&D):
-        Member coverage for accidents in Canada while involved in sanctioned/approved cycling activity.
-        This is an ‘excess’ policy, meaning that it covers costs above and beyond what is covered by Canadian Healthcare and any form of private insurance.
-        There is a schedule of maximum payouts for specified injuries and loss to a maximum of $50,000. No decidable.
-        $1,000,000 is the aggregate maximum for loss associated with a single accident. (eg. An accident involving a vehicle with multiple occupants).
-        Eligibility – members must have access to Canadian Healthcare.
 If you are travelling outside of Canada, additional Medical insurance can be arranged:
 Out-of-country Travel Medical:
-        Must be arranged prior to travel via the MCA.
Provides member coverage for accidents that occur outside of Canada while involved in sanctioned/approved cycling activity. (Note: Most other Travel Insurance products exclude any and all high risk activities).
-        This again is an ‘excess’ policy, meaning that it covers costs above and beyond what is covered by Canadian Healthcare and any form of private insurance.
-        Premium is $6.00  per day for 60 days. Trips with longer durations must be referred for a quote.
-        Eligibility – members must have access to Canadian Healthcare.
 Click on the link below to access additional information on the Holman Insurance Program:
 Please forward any specific questions to