Friday, 23 November 2012

Local Cyclist Was Triumphant In Conquering His Competition At The Canadian National Cyclocross Competitions

Willem Boersma

Willem Boersma wins U17 Men category at BC Grand Prix CX in Surrey, BC

Willem entered the Junior Category which is above his age category and came in 3rd. The following day he mastered the sport by leading the entire pack on the race course to secure his well earned Gold Medal for his age category.


Sunday, 11 November 2012

JYD Announces Clothing Lne

Portage Junk Yard Dogs now have a clothing line available. Please review the sales flyer with available merchandise. Click Here for Flyer

All orders are to be placed through JYD board member Jean-Marc Nadeau @

If people want to stop by Screen Door to try on the clothing that would be fine, but that orders must be forwarded to Jean-Marc.  

Screen Door will not accept order/purchases at the store.  Please note that each piece of clothing/bag will have a JYD logo on it (See photo above: the black/grey design but with the "red" collar.)   

Orders will be placed every 2 weeks unless number of orders dictates otherwise.

Get that Christmas Shopping out of the way early this year and be well dressed for the 2013 cycling season!!!!